
Universities of applied sciences launch platform for Alpine solar panel projects

Bern/Rapperswil/Manno/Winterthur - Four universities of applied sciences, namely BFH, OST, SUPSI and ZHAW, have launched a platform focused on Alpine solar panel projects. In this context, the partners will promote the networking of research and practice. At the same time, the universities will contribute by publishing specialist articles.

The new platform alpine-pv.ch provides those interested with an insight into the current status of all planned, realized and scrapped Alpine solar panel projects in Switzerland. The brains behind the project are four universities of applied sciences, namely Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH), OST - Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences, the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland (SUPSI) and Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). The aim here is to “create transparency and allow the public to learn about the progress of these projects that are so vital to the energy transition”, as BFH writes in a press release issued to mark the launch of the platform.

The platform is intended to contribute to closer networking between research and practice. To this end, users can publish and share their scientific findings and practical experience on alpine-pv.ch. The four universities of applied sciences also want to make their own contributions to promoting alpine solar projects: In collaboration with project managers, problems are to be identified and worked on by researchers from the universities. The resultant findings and solutions are then published on the platform in the form of specialist articles immediately after they have been developed.

“Alpine solar plants are a small but important component of the energy transition in Switzerland”, comments Christof Bucher, Head of the Laboratory for Photovoltaic Systems at BFH, in the press release. With their initiative, the participating universities are keen to bundle knowledge and resources in a way that allows them to contribute to optimizing Alpine solar panel projects and “support Switzerland on its path towards a sustainable energy future”. ce/hs