
Work starts on new building at Oertli Instrumente headquarters

Berneck SG – Construction work on a new production and logistics building at Oertli Instrumente is now underway. The specialists in ophthalmic surgery are investing 25 million Swiss francs in the project. The new building should be occupied in full by 2023.

Oertli Instrumente, the Rhine Valley experts for ophthalmic surgery devices and consumables, is in the process of constructing a three-story building at its headquarters. According to a press release, co-owners Christoph and Thomas Bosshard celebrated the ground-breaking ceremony for the project on Thursday alongside Bruno Seelos, Mayor of Berneck, and Björn Lutze of Bänziger Lutze Architektur AG, the company responsible for realizing the construction plans.

Across a total area of 11,000 square meters, the new building is designed to strengthen the infrastructure for the future development of the company based in the St.GallenBodenseeArea. “With the construction of the Lean Factory, we are laying the foundations to offer additional value-added and secure further growth at the Berneck location”, the company writes on its website.

The eastern wing of the new building serves to extend the clean room and production areas for surgical devices and instruments, while the western section of the building will house “efficient in-house logistics”. In addition, the plans include an underground car park, training areas and break rooms as well as a roof terrace. The two wings are to be connected by way of an inner courtyard and various access zones. The new building should be fully occupied by 2023.